22nd, 23rd & 24th November 2004
Experience God in a powerful way as Mike ministers at Indian Queens in the Victory Hall.
Mike will be preaching and teaching from the word of God, with signs following. There will be amazing worship led by Dave Cleave and a time to connect afterwards. The hall will open at 6:30pm for a 7pm start. We hope to see you there!
If you need more information about Victory Hall, please click on the picture opposite and that will take you to it's website.
Experience evenings of Revival as God pours out His Spirit on His people in Cornwall.
Mike will be preaching and teaching on deep things of the Kingdom of God. There will be amazing worship beforehand led by Dave Cleave and times of ministry after the word is given. This will be a time of outpouring, as our Heavenly Father ministers through His Spirit, that will encourage Christians in the anointing they have recived from God.
Doors will open at 6:30pm for a 7pm start. We hope to see you there!
May you encounter more of HIM, His love and a Rhema word for your situation.
Kingdom Revival Church
Every Sunday, 10.30am
The Auditorium,
Motis Business Centre,
Cheriton High Street,
Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4QJ
Kingdom Revival Worship & Prayer
Every Friday, 7.30pm
The Auditorium,
Motis Business Centre,
Cheriton High Street,
Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4QJ
KISS Course (6 week course) T.B.A
Every Monday, 7pm
The Auditorium,
Motis Business Centre,
Cheriton High Street,
Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4QJ
Regular Church Events
Sunday Eve Prayer 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Church office Tue 10.00am -1pm
Prayer / Word 8am - 10am Tue - Fri morning.
(All these are Held in our Healing/Prayer Room)
Forthcoming School of the Supernatural Topics
(Dates to be confirmed)
Prophetic Workshop Fulfil your destiny through prophetic declaration
Dreams and Visions
New Dimensions and Different Atmospheres.
Working with Angels – What Does The Bible Say? Using your authority
Seeing the Kingdom of Heaven / Receiving Mandates Opening the eyes of our hearts/realms of His Glory
Know Your Season and the Purpose of it Abiding in Him/entering His rest/freedom from strife
Operating in the Supernatural You are a conductor of God's power. Learning dynamic ways to follow with the Holy Spirit and release the power of God through you to others
Wearing Your God Given Mantle What is your vision? Believing for increase, moving up the ranks
Opening up storerooms in the House of God and releasing our inheritance
Dreams and Visions
Understanding dream interpretation and dream symbolism
Understanding and Recognising how God communicates.
Recognising and Activating Your Supernatural Gifting
Gifts and fruits, releasing what is inside
Unlocking your future and reaching your full potential in Christ